Foster Care Problem: Solutions to the Foster Care Crisis – Pt. 2Foster Care Problem: Solutions to the Foster Care Crisis - Pt. 2
Interviews with National Leaders: Congresswoman Stephanie Sandlin - Part 1 of 3

During this episode of McCuistion Television’s, “How America Is Seen in the Arab and Muslim World,” Dennis McCuistion is joined by Fawaz Gerges, Ph.D. Fawaz Gerges is the author of Journey of the Jihadist: Inside Muslim Militancy and the Christian A. Johnson Chairholder in International Affairs and Middle East Studies at Sarah Lawrence College.

In the wake of 9/11, Americans were seen favorably by most people in the Middle East. Dr. Gerges, a Middle East scholar, who spends time researching how America is viewed in the Arab and Muslim world has traveled from Lebanon, to Yemen, Syria to Jordan and Algeria. He believes that today the feeling against America has both consolidated and hardened. According to Dr. Gerges,

“There is a deep anger and rage, some of which has come about as  a result of the Iraq war… There is a problem. We are losing the average Muslim, the floating middle ground, and this is a red flag.”

Dr. Gerges, who spent over 16 months in the region, interviewed hundreds of policy makers, opinion makers and Jihadists. He talks about his work as, “a book of voices. I let militants and Jihadists tell their own stories.”

Join us and Dr. Gerges as he shares his ideas as to why America was attacked on 9/11 and illuminates the differences between Jihadists and Islamists. He talks about why we should care about not alienating Muslim public opinion and why we are seen as a colonial power.



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Foster Care Problem: Solutions to the Foster Care Crisis – Pt. 2Foster Care Problem: Solutions to the Foster Care Crisis - Pt. 2
Interviews with National Leaders: Congresswoman Stephanie Sandlin - Part 1 of 3