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Real Estate Foreclosures: Problems and Preventions
Airing Sunday, April 24th at 12:30 PM on KERA, Channel 13

The last several years have hit many homeowners who have little to no ability to repay their mortgages.  Fourteen million of these homeowners have no equity in their homes and owe the lender more than the property’s appraised value.

Foreclosures may be up, however the foreclosure process varies from state to state.  In some states short notice is given by lenders.  In others, homeowners have 9 months to 18 months before a  foreclosure is posted.

What can lenders and homeowners do to work together?  Is it at all possible for both the lender to profit and the homeowner to keep their home?

Joining Dennis McCuistion to discuss the various options to foreclosure and  how to work with a lender to keep from being foreclosed are the following panelists:

  • Richard Bitner – Author of: Confessions of a Subprime Lender
  • Linda Davis – Housing Director: Consumer Credit Counseling Service
  • George Roddy – CEO of The Roddy Report

Join us as always as we talk about things that matter… with people who care.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion

Executive Producer/Producer

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